11/2023: Our tutorial ‘‘Data-Quality-Aware Graph Machine Learning’’ is accepted at SDM2024
11/2023: Invited to serve as Associate Editor for Tsinghua Science and Technology
11/2023: Our paper ‘‘An Analysis of the Dynamics of Ties on Twitter’’ is accepted at IEEE BigData2023
11/2023: Invited to participate in the Global Academic Reputation Survey by Times Higher Education (THE) contributing to the next World University Rankings
8/2023: Gave an invited talk ‘‘Enhancing Graph Neural Networks with Data Quality-Aware Learning’’ at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Tsinghua University
7/2023: Gave an invited talk ‘‘A Survey of Recent Machine Learning Frontiers for Advancing Computer-Aided Drug Discovery’’ at the AI for Drug Discovery Workshop held by Meiler Lab
6/2023: Catherine's paper ‘‘The Friendship Paradox: An Analysis on Signed Social Networks with Positive and Negative Links’’ is accepted to KDD2023 Undergraduate Consortium
6/2023: Will give an invited talk ‘‘Towards Data-Centric Graph Learning for Real-World Applications’’ at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MiS)
6/2023: Gave an invited talk ‘‘Advanced Graph Analytics for Real-World Applications’’ in the Griffiss Institute's Tech Talks at Air Force Research Lab Information Directorate
4/2023: Congratulations to my PhD student Yu Wang for being awarded Vanderbilt's 2023 Graduate Leadership Anchor Award for Research
4/2023: Our paper ‘‘Adversarial Attacks for Black-box Recommender Systems via Copying Transferable Cross-domain User Profiles’’ is accepted in IEEE TKDE
4/2023: Gave an invited talk ‘‘Creating and Leveraging Knowledge Graphs in Real-World Applications’’ in the Knowledge Graph Day at ACM Web Conference
3/2023: Selected for the Visiting Faculty Research Program (VRFP) of The Air Force Research Laboratory's Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) and Information Institute (II) during Summer 2023
3/2023: Our paper ‘‘ADEPT: Autoencoder with Differentially Expressed Genes and Imputation for a Robust Spatial Transcriptomics Clustering’’ is accepted at RECOMB-Seq 2023 and published in iScience
3/2023: My PhD student Yunchao (Lance) Liu's gave an (recorded) invited talk at Molecular Modeling and Drug Discovery (M2D2) organized by Mila and Valance Discovery presenting our work MolKGNN
11/2022: Gave an invited talk ‘‘Overcoming Data Quality Issues in Graph Learning’’ in AI Seminar at North Carolina State University
11/2022: Gave an invited talk ‘‘Overcoming Data Qaulity Issues in Graph Learning’’ in the Mathematics and Data Science section of Qilu Youth Forum at Shandong University
3/2022: Congratulations to my student Yunchao (Lance) Liu for being awarded the Nvidia Academic Hardware Grant for his project on ‘‘Interpretable 3D Graph Neural Networks for Drug Discovery’’
5/2020: Invited to serve as PC member for ICWSM2021
5/2020: Our paper ‘‘Online Academic Course Performance Prediction
using Relational Graph Convolutional Neural Network’’ is accepted at
EDM2020 (Twitter)
4/2020: Our paper ‘‘Towards Improving Sample Representativeness of
Teachers on Online Social Media: A Case Study on Pinterest’’ is
accepted at AIED2020
4/2020: Our WIP paper ‘‘Characterizing Teacher Connections in Online
Social Media: A Case Study on Pinterest’’ is
accepted at L@S2020
2/2019: I joined the
Teachers in Social Media Project at Michigan
State University focused on harnessing online social
media data for educational research
Spring 2017: Poster Presentation at the 2017 MSU Graduate Research Symposium
Title: Opinions Power Opinions: Joint Link and Interaction Polarity
Prediction in Signed Networks
Spring 2017: Awarded SDM2017 Student Travel Award from SIAM
Spring 2017: SDM2017 Doctoral Forum accepted ‘‘Opinions Power Opinions: Joint Link and Interaction Polarity Predictions in Signed Networks’’
Spring 2017: Invited lecture for the Department of Education at MSU
on ‘‘Signed Network Analysis: Community Detection &
Link Prediction’’
Spring 2017: Invited lecture for the CSE881 Data Mining course at
MSU on ‘‘Similarity Search’’
Spring 2017: I joined the Data Science and Engineering (DSE) Lab